Already in the first years of my professional career I startet sharing my knowledge with young students. Since then, I have developed a passion for teaching. My practical work and my teaching activities influence and support each other. I constantly reflect on my creative, implicit knowledge and summarize this knowledge in a methodically structured way. I also consolidate my technical know-how through comprehensible processing. The joint discussions with the students about best practice examples make me question conventions and my own routines. The exchange inspires me and keeps me in touch with the latest trends.
List of Workshops and teaching assignments
From 2025
Staging Sound
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
In a 6-week minor program, students learn about the use of sound as a means of spatial expression in artistic practice. I co-designed this program with a colleague and the department head, and together, we will lead it.
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
I did a Lecture on being a freelance sound designer in the field of art, theatre and performance.
Since 2020
Walking Stories - experiments on location based media
Various institutions
In addition to my enthusiasm for location-based audio, I have developed a workshop program for students of various age groups. Under my guidance, students work on creating audiowalks using various technologies such as wireless headphones, GPS, and QR codes. This allows them to develop media literacy, storytelling skills, fundamentals of audio editing, and proficiency in handling locative media.
Since 2018
Medienexperte:innen Ausbildung für bayerische Leherer:innen
Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung (Alp)
Bavarian teachers are trained in media education in a two-year course. I teach a one-week course on audio basics and design.
Since 2018
Fachvertiefung Medienpädagogik für angehende Waldorflehrer:Innen
Freie Hochschule Stuttgart
I teach students the basics of audio recording and editing and sound design
2019 - 2022
Sound on Stage
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Künste, Frankfurt
I have given introductory courses in audio technology and sound design for theatre and performance
2012 - 2018
Here’s my Story
Bayerischer Rundfunk und Stiftung Zuhörern
In a week-long storytelling workshop, 9th-grade students created approximately 3-minute autobiographical short films. The aim was to promote resilience, media literacy, and perspective-building among the youth. I conducted this workshop approximately 20 times.
2015 - 2017
Grenzgeschichten - Crossing boarders
Bayerischer Rundfunk und Stiftung Zuhörern
In „Grenzgeschichten - crossing boarders“ pupils and students produce cross medial stories regarding the existing and historical borders of Germany. As a coach I guide them through the process and teach them the basics of digital storytelling and media production
2015 - 2018
Sound engineering and design
Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft der Justus Liebig Universität Gießen