Children of Tomorrow
Raising a child together—how hard can it really be these days? Of course, both parents will take care of it, and naturally, both will continue working. As individuals and as a couple, they will keep pursuing their passions and interests while giving their all—both as parents and in their careers.
In Children of Tomorrow, two women and two men explore the possibilities of parenthood. What initially seems so self-evident gradually reveals itself to be a minefield of conflicting demands and expectations. Does she watch her career slowly wither away? Does he collapse under the pressure of being the perfect father? Or do they simply leave the child to fend for itself as an attachment to their already overloaded lives?
What I did:
Designing the PA Setup.
Designing Soundscapes and Sound Effects.
Designing an easy-to-use, cue-based Ableton session.
Premiere: 13.12.2017 Volkstheater München
weitere Vorstellungen:
Invited to the Berliner Autorentheatertage (2018)
By: Tina Müller and Corinne Maier
Directed by: Corinne Meier
Dramaturgy: Caroline Schlockwerder
Set and Costumes: Nicole Henning
Sound Design: Rupert Jaud
With: Pola Jane O'Mara, Julia Richter, Mehmet Sözer, Oleg Tikhomirov
A production by Volkstheater München