Die Wiederentdeckung der Granteloper

Complaints are made constantly and everywhere. After all, a complaint is what we use to express that something is going wrong. Grumbling, nagging, whining, lamenting, criticizing, nitpicking, grouching, objecting, pointing out, remarking, denouncing. Alone or together. In secret or in public. By phone call, demonstration, petition. Surely, one should still be allowed to say that!

Rupert Jaud - Sound Design_Die Wiederentdeckung der Granteloper

In The Rediscovery of the Grantelopera, FUX dedicate themselves to the articulation of dissent – from the consequence-free grievance to rebellious protest. To do so, they revive the ancient, nearly forgotten music theater format of the Grantelopera. Originally conceived to give a singing voice to the worries and woes of the oppressed, this unique total artwork was meant to let them blossom in full force. Yet, precisely because of this lofty ambition, the Grantelopera was never realized. That is now FUX's mission.

Whether it's entire political systems, a failed traffic light sequence, death in general, the missing almond in the olive, or the unbearable torments of love – anything can become the object of their discontent. True to the spirit of a real Granteltroupe, they roam the land with a Grantel choir and Grantel orchestra, exploring the power of raising one’s voice through song. Because if there was ever a time for the Grantelopera, it is now.

What I did:

  • Designing the PA setup and the scenographic setting for the 'Orchestral Loudspeaker System'

  • Recording voices and arranging the spoken choir.

  • Mixing the composed music for the specific loudspeaker setup.

  • Live mixing the band and singers.

  • Creating a show session in Ableton Live and for the Midas X32.


Etwas Bewegendes


Children of Tomorrow