
About the sound design

In the concept of MPDokles the ancient greek philosopher Empedocles appears to be a complete juvenile idealist and phantast that, via his artificial bulky language seems to be falling out of the real wold

Referring to Comming-of-age-films a young actress plays all three roles of the third sketch of Hölderlin’s piece „Empedokles“ in the real surrounding of the Toni-Areal of the ZhdK Zürich. The audience, acoustically completely separated from the scenery, watched the piece through a great 16:9 window. They should watch through the cinematic setup the story of defiant teenager, that found him respectively herself in a completely strange and unknown environment fighting with his ideals.

The sound design follows the cinematic setup in
a 7.1 surround PA-system. The soundscape
around the Toni-Arreal is miked with a surround-microphone setup and transferred to the PA-system in the house where it is mixed with pre-produced soundscapes of different environments and live produced sound designes.

In this setup it was now possible to create different acoustically virtual wether conditions and process the soundscape with little dropouts and irritations in order to play with the gap between acoustical and visual senses. Diegetic sounds such as the sound of headphones of the actress could now be shaped and develop to a soundtrack of a theatrical situation.


My Self
