OUT and Doors


This is how the audiowalk through the centre of this city begins. You follow a voice that seems to be more digital than analog and it knows more about your city than you do. But they are puzzled and need you to provide them with new data records as they continuously ask: What exactly is this „public space“ anyway?

In a 45-minute walk, which you experience via headphones, you move through the city and listen to global voices. Together, you will be guided by a dubious voice with which you will explore locations all over the world.

After a while, fiction and reality mix and you lose your sense of direction. Did you just hear a bicycle where there was none? Are you sinking deeper into the digital space and what kind of glances do you feel on your skin? Together with 12 young people from eight different countries, HELLA LUX has created OUTandDOORS and is happy to invite you to this auditory experience that literally puts perspectives from all over the world on public space into your ears.

What I did:

  • Workshop conception and execution in collaboration with HellaLux

  • Voice recordings

  • Recording binaural soundscapes

  • Designing soundscapes and sound effects in binaural 3D Audio

  • Mixing the walk on site

  • Since March 2022 in Düsseldorf available on Sotrydive

    Since Mai 2022 in Chemnitz available on Sotrydive 

  • Artistic director, concept: Lenja Busch, Milena Wichert

    Seminar: Lenja Busch, Rupert Jaud, Milena Wichert

    Sounddesign: Rupert Jaud.

    Production assistance Judith Hesselmann

    Voice acting: Petya Alabozova.

    Outside Eye: Liljan Halfen.

    And the voices of young creatives from Reading, Warschau, Moskau, Palermo, Chiba, Chongqing, Haifa, Chemnitz und Düsseldorf.

    Technological partner: Storydive

  • A production of HELLA LUX In cooperation with the Farmont Foundation, Storydive, and HELLA LUX. Supported by the Büro für internationale Angelegenheiten of the City of Düsseldorf. Funded by the Fonds Darstellende Künste with resources from the Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien and the Farmont Foundation.

About the sound design

As the listeners stroll through the public spaces of Düsseldorf, the sound design of the audio walk attempts to immerse the participants in a different reality, the reality of the narrating voice. This voice has no body, no definitive location. It simultaneously exists with walkers in Reading, Düsseldorf, Warsaw, and Palermo, drawing observations from data sets.

The sound design blurs the boundaries between what physically surrounds one and what one hears, enabling a densely atmospheric immersion into the essayistic reflections of the audio walk


All The Time

